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GKC Geoscience news features our latest YouTube videos, new product announcements and tour information

Video Hiking Guides

March 08, 2019

New to our YouTube channel we're offering video hiking guides for download onto your phone. Our first entry is "Red Mountain, The best short hike in Northern Arizona?" If you have feedback or suggestions please post them directly on YouTube. Future guides may include Old Caves Crater, Fat Man's Loop Trail, SP Crater, Colton Crater and possible Strawberry Crater.

Grand Falls Ventures Trip Well Attended

March 02, 2019

We had a fantastic response to the Museum of Northern Arizona’s Ventures day trip to Grand Falls on March 2. The museum had to rent an extra van to accommodate everybody! Although we battled ferocious winds, it was some of the best lighting I've ever seen out there.

Links to Little Colorado River Stream Gages

March 05, 2016

One of the great things about Grand Falls, our amazing water fall in Northern Arizona, is that you can predict what the falls are going to look like ahead of a visit. The US Geological Survey has stream gages at Winslow, upstream from the falls, and downstream at Cameron that can be accessed on line. The Cameron gage is especially useful. The falls can be quite photogenic with as little as 15 cubic feet per second (cfs) flowing through the Cameron gage.

Cameron Stream Gage

Winslow Stream Gage

 The Chevelon Fork Gage can be used as an indicator of how much water is being released from the reservoirs in the White Mountains (the gage downstream from Lyman Lake wasn’t updating the last time I checked). If you see the discharge increasing with this gage we can expect the falls discharge to grow a day or so in the future.


Chevelon Fork Gage

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